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Global Environment Variables


This feature is currently in limited availability with select DCCs. We're interested in hearing your feedback. Please direct all feedback to support.


Global Environment Variables allow account administrators to define environment variables that will be available by default in Conductor DCC submitters for every job submission. These variables can be used to set configurations, credentials, or any other values that should be accessible to every job. However, users submitting the job have the option to override these global environment variables on a job by job basis.

To access the configuration settings for global environment variables, navigate to the web dashboard to find the Global Environment Variables setting in the Studio Management tab of the Enterprise section.

Supported DCCs

  • Autodesk Maya, since release 0.10.3 of the submitter.


  • User level roles cannot view the global environment variables settings or other Enterprise features, but the setting is effective in supported DCCs.

  • Admin and Owner roles have the ability to define and modify the global environment variables for the account. They can add, edit, or remove variables as needed.

Environment variables view for admin and owner roles


When global environment variables are defined, they are automatically included in every job submission unless the user explicitly chooses not to include them. Users submitting jobs can see the list of global environment variables and decide whether to include them in their job execution.

Merge policies

In addition to the key and values, a merge policy must be defined for every environment variable. The merge policy instructs Conductor on how to apply your global environment variables when they overlap with a DCC or renderer's environment variables.

  • Prepend: If overlapping, insert the global environment variables before of the DCC or renderer's environment variables.
  • Append: If overlapping, insert the global environment variables after the DCC or renderer's environment variables.
  • Exclusive: Ignore overlapping DCC or renderer's environment variables, and exclusively use the global environment variables.