ciocore.package_environment - Conductor Core


Manage environment variables for both Windows and Linux render nodes.


Source code in ciocore/
class PackageEnvironment(object):

    def __init__(self, env_list=None, platform=None):
        Encapsulate a list of environment variables.

        Typically, one would initialize a PackageEnvironment with a package, and then modify by adding more packages or lists of variables. Extra variables can be added by the customer, or programmatically such as during asset scraping.

            env_list (object|list): An object that provides a list of dictionaries with properties: `name`, `value`, and `merge_policy`.
            platform (str): If the env_list is a regular list, then this is required.

        Args are delegated to [extend()](/package_environment/#ciocore.package_environment.PackageEnvironment.extend).
        self.platform = None
        self._env = {}

        self.extend(env_list, platform)

    def extend(self, env_list, platform=None):
        Extend the Package environment with the given variable specifications.

            env_list (object|list): Either:
                * A list of dictionaries with properties: `name`, `value`, and `merge_policy`.
                * An object with an `environment` key that contains a list of the dictionaries described above. The latter is the structure of a package. Therefore we can initialize or extend a PackageEnvironment with a package.
            platform (str): Defaults to `None`. If env_list is a package, then the platform is taken from the package and the `platform` keyword is ignored. If env_list is a list, then if this is the first add, a platform should be specified, otherwise it will default to linux.

        The first time data is added to a PackageEnvironment, the platform is set in stone. Subsequent `adds` that try to change the platform are considered an error.

        Each variable to be added specifies a merge_policy: `append`, `prepend`, or `exclusive` `append` and `prepend` can be thought of as lists= types. Once an individual variable has been initialized as a list, it can't be changed to `exclusive`. This means:

        1. It's not possible to overwrite variables that have been added as `append` or `prepend`.
        2. Exclusive variables are always overwritten by subsequent adds.

            ValueError: Either an attempt to change the platform once initialized, or an invalid merge policy.

            >>> from ciocore import api_client, package_tree, package_environment
            >>> packages = api_client.request_software_packages()
            >>> pt = package_tree.PackageTree(packages, product="cinema4d")
            >>> one_dcc_name = pt.supported_host_names()[0]
            cinema4d 21.209.RB305619 linux

            >>> pkg = pt.find_by_name(one_dcc_name)
            >>> pe = package_environment.PackageEnvironment(pkg)
            >>> print(dict(pe))
            "PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin",
            "g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
            "PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",

            >>> extra_env = [
                {"name":"PATH", "value": "/my/custom/scripts", "merge_policy":"append"},
                {"name":"DEBUG_MODE", "value": "1", "merge_policy":"exclusive"}
            >>> pe.extend(extra_env)
            >>> print(dict(pe))
                "PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin:/my/custom/scripts",
                "g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
                "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
                "PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",
                "DEBUG_MODE": "1",

        if not env_list:

            others = env_list["environment"]
            requested_platform = env_list.get("platform")
        except TypeError:
            others = env_list
            requested_platform = platform

        if not self.platform:
            self.platform = requested_platform or "linux"
        elif requested_platform and requested_platform != self.platform:
            raise ValueError("Can't change platform once initialized.")

        for var in others:
            name = var["name"]
            value = var["value"]
            policy = var["merge_policy"]
            if policy not in ["append", "prepend", "exclusive"]:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected merge policy: %s" % policy)

            if policy == "append":
                self._append(name, value)
            elif policy == "prepend":
                self._prepend(name, value)
                self._set(name, value)

    def _set(self, name, value):
        """Set the value of an exclusive variable.

        Can be overwritten by subsequent adds.

        It is an error if the variable has already been declared with policy=append.
        if self._env.get(name) and isinstance(self._env[name], list):
            raise ValueError(
                "Can't change merge policy for '{}' from 'append' to 'exclusive'.".format(name)
        self._env[name] = value

    def _append(self, name, value):
        """Set the value of an append variable.

        Can be appended to with subsequent adds.

        It is an error if the variable has already been declared with policy=exclusive.
        if self._env.get(name):
            if not isinstance(self._env[name], list):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't change merge policy for '{}' from 'exclusive' to 'append'.".format(name)
            self._env[name] = []

    def _prepend(self, name, value):
        """Set the value of an append/prepend variable.

        Can be appended to with subsequent adds.

        It is an error if the variable has already been declared with policy=exclusive.
        if self._env.get(name):
            if not isinstance(self._env[name], list):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't change merge policy for '{}' from 'exclusive' to 'prepend'.".format(name)
            self._env[name] = []
        self._env[name].insert(0, value)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Cast the object as a dict."""
        sep = ";" if self.platform == "windows" else ":"
        for key in self._env:
            var = self._env[key]
            if isinstance(var, list):
                yield key, sep.join(var)
                yield key, var

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Allow access by key."""
        sep = ";" if self.platform == "windows" else ":"
        var = self._env.__getitem__(key)
        if isinstance(var, list):
            return sep.join(var)
        return var

__init__(self, env_list=None, platform=None) special

Encapsulate a list of environment variables.

Typically, one would initialize a PackageEnvironment with a package, and then modify by adding more packages or lists of variables. Extra variables can be added by the customer, or programmatically such as during asset scraping.


Name Type Description Default
env_list object|list

An object that provides a list of dictionaries with properties: name, value, and merge_policy.

platform str

If the env_list is a regular list, then this is required.


Args are delegated to extend().

Source code in ciocore/
def __init__(self, env_list=None, platform=None):
    Encapsulate a list of environment variables.

    Typically, one would initialize a PackageEnvironment with a package, and then modify by adding more packages or lists of variables. Extra variables can be added by the customer, or programmatically such as during asset scraping.

        env_list (object|list): An object that provides a list of dictionaries with properties: `name`, `value`, and `merge_policy`.
        platform (str): If the env_list is a regular list, then this is required.

    Args are delegated to [extend()](/package_environment/#ciocore.package_environment.PackageEnvironment.extend).
    self.platform = None
    self._env = {}

    self.extend(env_list, platform)

extend(self, env_list, platform=None)

Extend the Package environment with the given variable specifications.


Name Type Description Default
env_list object|list
  • A list of dictionaries with properties: name, value, and merge_policy.
  • An object with an environment key that contains a list of the dictionaries described above. The latter is the structure of a package. Therefore we can initialize or extend a PackageEnvironment with a package.
platform str

Defaults to None. If env_list is a package, then the platform is taken from the package and the platform keyword is ignored. If env_list is a list, then if this is the first add, a platform should be specified, otherwise it will default to linux.


The first time data is added to a PackageEnvironment, the platform is set in stone. Subsequent adds that try to change the platform are considered an error.

Each variable to be added specifies a merge_policy: append, prepend, or exclusive append and prepend can be thought of as lists= types. Once an individual variable has been initialized as a list, it can't be changed to exclusive. This means:

  1. It's not possible to overwrite variables that have been added as append or prepend.
  2. Exclusive variables are always overwritten by subsequent adds.


Type Description

Either an attempt to change the platform once initialized, or an invalid merge policy.


>>> from ciocore import api_client, package_tree, package_environment
>>> packages = api_client.request_software_packages()
>>> pt = package_tree.PackageTree(packages, product="cinema4d")
>>> one_dcc_name = pt.supported_host_names()[0]
cinema4d 21.209.RB305619 linux
>>> pkg = pt.find_by_name(one_dcc_name)
>>> pe = package_environment.PackageEnvironment(pkg)
>>> print(dict(pe))
"PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin",
"g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
"PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",
>>> extra_env = [
    {"name":"PATH", "value": "/my/custom/scripts", "merge_policy":"append"},
    {"name":"DEBUG_MODE", "value": "1", "merge_policy":"exclusive"}
>>> pe.extend(extra_env)
>>> print(dict(pe))
    "PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin:/my/custom/scripts",
    "g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
    "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
    "PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",
    "DEBUG_MODE": "1",
Source code in ciocore/
def extend(self, env_list, platform=None):
    Extend the Package environment with the given variable specifications.

        env_list (object|list): Either:
            * A list of dictionaries with properties: `name`, `value`, and `merge_policy`.
            * An object with an `environment` key that contains a list of the dictionaries described above. The latter is the structure of a package. Therefore we can initialize or extend a PackageEnvironment with a package.
        platform (str): Defaults to `None`. If env_list is a package, then the platform is taken from the package and the `platform` keyword is ignored. If env_list is a list, then if this is the first add, a platform should be specified, otherwise it will default to linux.

    The first time data is added to a PackageEnvironment, the platform is set in stone. Subsequent `adds` that try to change the platform are considered an error.

    Each variable to be added specifies a merge_policy: `append`, `prepend`, or `exclusive` `append` and `prepend` can be thought of as lists= types. Once an individual variable has been initialized as a list, it can't be changed to `exclusive`. This means:

    1. It's not possible to overwrite variables that have been added as `append` or `prepend`.
    2. Exclusive variables are always overwritten by subsequent adds.

        ValueError: Either an attempt to change the platform once initialized, or an invalid merge policy.

        >>> from ciocore import api_client, package_tree, package_environment
        >>> packages = api_client.request_software_packages()
        >>> pt = package_tree.PackageTree(packages, product="cinema4d")
        >>> one_dcc_name = pt.supported_host_names()[0]
        cinema4d 21.209.RB305619 linux

        >>> pkg = pt.find_by_name(one_dcc_name)
        >>> pe = package_environment.PackageEnvironment(pkg)
        >>> print(dict(pe))
        "PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin",
        "g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
        "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
        "PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",

        >>> extra_env = [
            {"name":"PATH", "value": "/my/custom/scripts", "merge_policy":"append"},
            {"name":"DEBUG_MODE", "value": "1", "merge_policy":"exclusive"}
        >>> pe.extend(extra_env)
        >>> print(dict(pe))
            "PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin:/my/custom/scripts",
            "g_licenseServerRLM": "conductor-rlm:6112",
            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64:/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/embree.module/libs/linux64",
            "PYTHONPATH": "/opt/maxon/cinema4d/21/cinema4d21.209vRB305619/bin/resource/modules/python/libs/linux64/python.linux64.framework/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload",
            "DEBUG_MODE": "1",

    if not env_list:

        others = env_list["environment"]
        requested_platform = env_list.get("platform")
    except TypeError:
        others = env_list
        requested_platform = platform

    if not self.platform:
        self.platform = requested_platform or "linux"
    elif requested_platform and requested_platform != self.platform:
        raise ValueError("Can't change platform once initialized.")

    for var in others:
        name = var["name"]
        value = var["value"]
        policy = var["merge_policy"]
        if policy not in ["append", "prepend", "exclusive"]:
            raise ValueError("Unexpected merge policy: %s" % policy)

        if policy == "append":
            self._append(name, value)
        elif policy == "prepend":
            self._prepend(name, value)
            self._set(name, value)

__iter__(self) special

Cast the object as a dict.

Source code in ciocore/
def __iter__(self):
    """Cast the object as a dict."""
    sep = ";" if self.platform == "windows" else ":"
    for key in self._env:
        var = self._env[key]
        if isinstance(var, list):
            yield key, sep.join(var)
            yield key, var

__getitem__(self, key) special

Allow access by key.

Source code in ciocore/
def __getitem__(self, key):
    """Allow access by key."""
    sep = ";" if self.platform == "windows" else ":"
    var = self._env.__getitem__(key)
    if isinstance(var, list):
        return sep.join(var)
    return var